Well... *gulp*
I've just arrived on the plot of land that was given to me as part of my indenture. Seems strange that I'd be given land when I'm working off debt to my parents, but I guess it will all be explained at some point.
Pop took out the last of his savings to get me a new suit. I told him he shouldn't, seeing as how we didn't know when the first check would arrive from the gentleman that made the indenture offer... but nothing having. Pop has always felt that first impressions are important, and he said he didn't want me looking like something the cat dragged in. So, here I am in my new suit, ready to make a new start.

Several people showed up to welcome me to the neighborhood. That's Wanda Tinker in the hideous pink dress, Kaylynn Gentry, and then the guy I'm talking to is Gilbert Jacquet. I've no idea who the nut is that's hunting butterflies in my yard.

Eventually I headed into town to see if I could meet some more people. Also, Mom said to figure out where the grocery store was right away, so... yeah. I started talking to this girl (Ashlee, I think her name is?) and she seemed nice enough. She said I could work shifts as a barrista to make some extra cash.

Since I'm poor as a churchmouse right now, I figured that was a good idea. I got some decent tips, so it was time well spent.

Sadly, my first day ended with a broken water main in the front yard... which led to a soggy suit and me needing a shower. I really hope the wool in my suit doesn't shrink. No sign of my indenture contract holder, either.

As for the shower bit... did I mention that I'm poor? The best I can do is a "spit and a promise" as Mom calls sponge baths. But, hey... it beats staying dirty.

Riverside Bluff just keeps getting better and better. I did manage to get a job, so that's a good thing. Unfortunately, I came home sick today. I'm not sure if there's a bug going around, or if getting doused by the water main made me sick. I'm sure it didn't help.

And... someone kicked my garbage over while I was at work, so now I have roaches. Gah!

Money spent.. which I didn't have. But it's better than having vermin on my property. Maybe my luck will change soon.
(Note from Arki: Good god! I tried to get the female exterminator over as a potential match. No way is she going into the legacy gene pool! Although, in fairness, a pair of tweezers on her brows would probably help immensely.)

Or not. I feel like if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all lately.

The morning after my unexpected visitor, I woke up sick again.

I feel like I'm just spinning and spinning and spinning. I don't know what I'm doing here, I don't know what I should do next... and what else could go wrong?

Maybe I shouldn't have tempted fate. *sigh* No sooner did I get to work today than the boss called me into the back office. Apparently they don't think I really want the job... seeing as how I've been falling behind in my work a bit. I guess the fact that I went to work sick doesn't count for anything.

One bright thing to put a smile on my face... a postcard from Mom and Pop. Pop has a new job, and the girls are in private school. That makes me feel like all this is almost worth it. If only I knew what I was doing here. Speaking of... what's this letter?
Dear Joseph,
I'm sure, by now, that you are wondering why you've been brought to Riverside Bluff, and what your part of our agreement is. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to contact you. You see, I wanted to wait until you'd heard from your family that I was keeping up with my side of the bargain. Which brings us to the question of your side of the bargain.
Quite simply, I want you and your offspring to be a cornerstone of my little community here. This is a fledgling town, and it needs leadership. A "first family", if you will. Someone to set the example. I believe that someone is you.
Your parents, though poor, have shown a loyalty and a strength that is impressive. So this allows me to reward them and at the same time to provide you with a fresh start. A clean slate, to do with what you will.
All that you owe me is to do the best you can, to live here, to raise your children here, and your promise that your offspring shall do the same (your firstborn, at least, and his or her firstborn, etc.) for ten generations. Aside from that, you are free to do as you will.
I hope, sincerely, that Riverside Bluff agrees with you and that you prosper here.
Best wishes!
Which left me somewhat speechless. I did NOT need to be hearing this garbage about best wishes and prospering right now. My life... is hell. I'm glad my parents and sisters and brother are doing well, but life for me SUCKS.

After reading the letter from Mr. Mysterio, I went inside. Lucy, a friend of mine from work - ex-work, as it turns out, was waiting for me.
"Joseph, what are you going to do now?"
"I don't know. It doesn't seem to matter what I do. Everything's messed up anyway."
"Oh, so you'll just give up - is that it?"
"I guess. What does it matter, anyway?"
Lucy sighed. "It MATTERS, boy genius, because if you get up nothing will ever get better. Is that what you want?"
"I WANT things to go right for me, for a change, Lucy. Is that so much to ask?"
"Yeah, well, maybe you should do something about it. Nobody owes you anything... if you want it, you gotta work for it. And that's all I have to say on the matter."
She walked out in a bit of a huff, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I went to bed that night and thought of the man who'd broken into my home. I wonder if he just gave up, too, and if that's what led him to be sitting in a squad car, facing jail time. I don't want to be sitting in the squad car... but I just don't know what to do, either.
Maybe something will go my way, soon. Tomorrow starts a new week, after all. A new new beginning, maybe?
Aw he looks so handsome in his new suit.
ReplyDeleteDang he really had a rough first week!
That's it Lucy, you tell him! Buck up buddy boy, next week is bound to be better!
I hope!
Wow, what a bad week. Poor Joe! What a way to start a legacy. I hope things start looking up for him soon!
ReplyDeleteGak! That is got to be the worst first week evah! Poor Joe :(
ReplyDeletePoor Joe. Things will be better soon.
ReplyDeleteYeesh. Joe's luck has gone from bad to worse. Sick. Roaches. Robbed. Lost his job. Broke. Well, on the bright side, things can't get any worse, can they?
ReplyDeleteBeing in H.E.L.L. sucks. Poor Joe. When will his luck change?
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't know.. if he had a telescope and got abducted, then he'd be sick, roaches, robbed, unemployed, broke, single and pregnant. LOLZ
ReplyDeleteNever say "Things can't get much worse!" There's usually something out there that says... oh yes they can!
Whoa, Joe's really having a rough first week! Hope you're enjoying it anyway! I like what Lucy said to Joe -- I hope he takes her advice and does something about his situation. And I laughed at "a spit and a promise"! Hehe!
ReplyDeleteNice suit Joe showed up in. *wolf whistles*
ReplyDeleteGlad to see Joe is open to meeting the folks in town and that he doesn't feel awkward and they aren't stand-offish, considering he's basically a bought-and-paid-for man. Literally (almost).
Yay for making a little extra cash! Boo for broken water pipes.
Wow, sick -and- roaches? Poor guy is going to wind up with pneumonia! *comforts Joe*
(A pair of tweezers would definitely help her eyebrows. NOTHING will help that nose and mouth though! Actually, her mouth isn't SO horrible but that nose? Yuck!)
BOO for the burglar! (And even -he- isn't cute! *hmphs*)
Where the heck is the guy who bought Joe though? Why isn't he stepping in to say what he expects of his "servant"?
ACK! *hugs Joe* You hadda ask what else could go wrong, didn't you...
Glad to hear his family is doing better back home with the influx of money! Ooo, are we finally hearing from Joe's "owner"?
Well, that was much better than one could have hoped for - especially considering this mysterous benefactor is paying his family so much money just so Joe can come act as leader of this new town!
Good for Lucy! *cheers* Hopefully that'll wake Joe up a bit.